Are u better than dogs?

Woke up this morning with full of thinking about last night "date" with Paige and Daniel. We chatted a lot! One funny quote from Paige was: Hey Lusi, you will live long! Me: Huh? Why?? Paige: Because people who loves dog does! Aha! That's interesting! 

Earlier we're just talked about Dan's sister who is happen to be afraid of dark and always sleep with the lights on. And then the conversation just flow... to... my confession of Cat-phobia! But yet they knew that I got two cats at home! They laughed when I told them about how I care about them (the cats) and even bought a vitamin for them (quite expensive one, sampe2 gua dimarahin ama papa, katanya kucing kampung dikasih vitamin! harga kucingnya ama vitaminnya mahal vitaminnya!hahaha) ...but... I'm just pitty on them! Because, every time they catch a mouse and bite it... most of the time they will vomiting and look sick (maybe because of some poison inside the rat's body).... 
 Dan: " u give the vitamin?" Paige suddenly laugh because she's imagining me throwing something and say to the cat: "eat it eat it" hahahaha... we had a good laugh about our-own-imagination about me and the cats... and then I said... but I love dogs! not-very-surprising this couple are dog-lovers too.... Me: "but I don't like being licked by dog!" and the conversation just flow... which made me realize... yeah.. different people can love things in different way! With unique way their own-trademark!

After some good laugh yet deep conversation.... I'm thinking more about the word that Paige said: You will live long! Because people who loves dog live longer statistically! You know why? Because dog can help u to release your stress and being your best friend and just be there, and always give u company!
And I'm fully agree with that! Dog can be a man's best friend...
But the question now.... are we a best friend indeed too? The fact that we can actually "make people live longer" by caring about them and just be there for them. Dog can't speak, but yet dogs can show their care through their presence. 

This morning Daily-Bread mentioning the same thing about what I was thinking, it tells a story about Roy, a gentle, quiet man who sought no recognition, and who left the care of his life to his heavenly Father. And when Roy passed away, many of his friends spoke of his kindness, selfless giving, humility, and gentle compassion. He was, for many, a visible expression of God's unconditional love! Roy's was the good life after all, and no one can know the good life without God. Because it is written: It is good for me to draw near to God - Psalm 73:28.
Dogs and Roy's life are just few examples of the good life we can help to "create" in this world...yeah we're just sojourners here on earth. So... Let's shine our "home-town" quality... the Heaven's quality! Easy to talk...not easy to do it... but.. question this: Are we not better compare to dogs?? Are you willing to be beaten by dogs? (Javanese "famous-curse-word" is: Asu=means dog... so...imagine someone curse you by calling you "asu" but yet we're not even better than a dog! Think about that!
Let's change ourselves! Be better than dogs! We can do it! Yukkkkkkkkkk Mariiiiiiiiiii ^___^
Have a nice day!!!
  "Christ's true disciples looking to another's needs; Making stony pathways smoother by gentle word or deed." 
