Happy New Year!
Telat banget greetings nya yah... well....better late than nothing haha
Angka cantik sekali 17-1-17 dan taon ini, I reach number 34.....
Hmmmm 34 is 17 times two, jadiiiii Double Sweet Seventeen!!! Hohohoho
34 gak tergolong muda, dan status yang masih awet single juga bukan sesuatu yang bisa dibanggakan apalagi kalau hidupnya di Caruban #oucht.
But instead of complaining and looking at what I don't have, I will start this new number with 17 gratitudes!
Here we go!
Too many things to be thankful of, but let's use this 17 numbers to start this age double sweet!
Happy Radiant, Joyful and Wondrous 2017!
Telat banget greetings nya yah... well....better late than nothing haha
Angka cantik sekali 17-1-17 dan taon ini, I reach number 34.....
Hmmmm 34 is 17 times two, jadiiiii Double Sweet Seventeen!!! Hohohoho
34 gak tergolong muda, dan status yang masih awet single juga bukan sesuatu yang bisa dibanggakan apalagi kalau hidupnya di Caruban #oucht.
But instead of complaining and looking at what I don't have, I will start this new number with 17 gratitudes!
Here we go!
- SUPER THANK GOD for all these years, sejauh mata memandang ke belakang, semua moment itu baikkkkkkkkkk semuaaaa, even yang ugly sekalipun later on turn out jadi surprisingly baik. Proud to have a God like You Jesus! I trust Your taste and your decision! LOVEEEE You!
- Thank God beberapa tahun terakhir mama papa less marah-marah dan ngomel-ngomelnya, bahkan bisa beliin saya oleh-oleh cihuyyyyy!
- Thanks to all my SJ families for the loves, the helps, the pick-ups, the nonton-time, the everyyyythingggggg!
- Thanks to God for the good, the bad, the ugly, the sexy, the gossips, the crazy, the Godly, the not-so-godly friendhsip in Seven Wonders that coloured my daily activities... you girls all rock!!!!
- Thank God for the new phone, dan Thanks to susuk Mako yang sudah repot2 beliin dari jauuuhhhh bahkan dibonusin ransel baruuuuuuu!!! Saya SUPER Happy! I loveeeee my Jack! (perkenalkan :Jack = my new phone's name ^__^)
- Thanks to Generation of Stars kiddos, you guys have been very sweet and good students this term! Keep it up! Let's go deeper together in God! Yay!
- Thank you for all HAKKA families, especially PPHI groupies.... Hakka-world won't be fun without you all!
- Thanks to Hakka Moi! No-nasi-challange is fun! Ketika kita mendenda diri masing2 tiap hari, knowing that we all can fail but failing together is easier and sweeter bwahhahahahha
- Thanks to PPH Madiun, kerja kerja kerja lalu diomelin lalu digossipin kadang tombok barang tapiiiiii without you all tidak akan ada keceriaan Youth.. hanya ada apak pakme #nomention #youknowwhothatis bwahhaha
- Thanks to Keluarga Pak Sabar untuk kekompakan kerjasama dan kekeluargaan kitaaaaaaa semoga terus begini sampe generasi ke generasiiiii.......tapi pleaseeee jangan disidang lagi untuk segera kawin yaaaaaa #nitipRequest..... Saya mauuuu banget loh kawinnn tapi belom ada yang berani ngelamar gimana donkkkk? Bagaimana kalau dibantuin doa dan dicarikan bwahahhaha #curcol #mendekatiimlek #pertanyaanRutinSegeraTiba #kapankawin bwahahhahaha
- Thanks to New CG Family, bertumbuh bersama dan ngafe bersama Yay! akhirnya saya ngafe2! #eh
- Thanks to Horeeeee! Somehow... #myl hashtag more fun kalau dibahas dengan kalian ! Serasa senasib sepenanggungan selokasi haha
- Thanks to HIF2000, fuddling-moment with you guys always bring an instant re-charge for the soul! Ayooo dijadwalkan lagiiiii!
- Thanks to Daniel and Paige Gable plus cute pie Penni for always come back again and again to Caruban! We will always missing you all!
- Thank God for all my employees, kerja dengan saya melelahkan yah? Tapi upahmu besar di bumi dan di Sorga kok nak!Semangat!!!
- Thanks for Mr. T and the help for Merlen's friends, this epic-rescue-real-story just make me stand in awe how creative God is to line up all of us to help someone that I never met yet ! God is surely good God!
- Thanks to ALL FRIENDSSSSSS that I couldn't mention one by one, but SUREly you all are my sweet blessings!
Too many things to be thankful of, but let's use this 17 numbers to start this age double sweet!
Happy Radiant, Joyful and Wondrous 2017!
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