My times of holiday different from others might have. I'll have holiday "IF" I got a good promotion deal on airplane tickets, so that means no high-season holidays. Thanks for entrepreneur this status!
However, this time holiday is really special, dunno what came up to my head last year when I bought the tickets, but I bought a return ticket with time range more than 2 weeks!!!! I'm officially having some long "mudik" time haha
Now, its almost the time.
So in March 20th I'll fly to Bali, then the 22 from Bali to Perth, the journey going on from Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, Gold Coast, Adelaide Olalaaaaaaa I'm officially out of my mind!!!
This will be the longest holiday I ever had, and I'm nervous to face it! *lebay amir yah??
Kebiasaan kerja pagi siang malam, ketika holiday segitu lama jadi deg-degan! Ini perutku udah mules 2 hari, mules2 gak jelas dan jantung deg2an hahaha
But God is full of surprises, last week a friend of mine suddenly saying: "Hey why don't u export Indonesian goods to Australia? I think it's a good business!" So... this time, it's a holiday plus visiting friends plus business-sight-seeing, who knows there's some business I can do like what my friend hint me ;)
The trip it self only cost Rp.1.657.400 it's only US$150 and included some foods on board and baggage (like I said, i'm no more backpacker, this suitcaser haha)
Plus additional cost for flight Surabaya-Bali Rp.327.800 return. So in total the cost for the flight to Australia this time is the cheapest I ever bought too. Thank God for Air Asia! Now everyone can fly haha
Australian immigration made another surprise by giving us 3 years multiple entry visa! Haleluyaaa!
We will stay mostly at friends' houses, so we start preparing some "oleh-oleh" for the host, but all of them are really nice, they didnt really require us to buy certain things, even said: No need to bring anything. But well.... we have manner right? So impolite to visit a friend house and stay there without bringing something. So, start preparing some traditional foods and cookies. Hopefully they like it.
So now, working last 2 days with some "butterflies" inside my stomach and nervous like I'm getting married!! hhhmmm... who knows I'll meet the one during the trip? #code *poke #Jesus * ^__^
So..... Happy Holidays!
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