Some of you might be wondering why do I post all those photos?
Several days back, a friend suddenly left a comment under one of my picture on Instagram, asked "what app did u use?" and I'm confused with the question, but then found out that she thought the picture was edited by some applications while it's not, its the real picture captured on the way (mostly are road view picture) and Thanks be to God who let me to witness those beauty in perfect time or captured the good views on the go.
Then I remember a friend of mine who work as an illustrator, and yet when he put a caricature on his profile picture someone will ask the same question: "What app did u use?" Jeeezzz it's hand work pals! Not application made!
January 2013, I was in Kyoto, visiting a Gold Temple but unfortunately that day was a cloudy morning and the weather forecast is cloudy and raining all day. I was a bit upset because of the cloudy forecast, but still I took several photos while praying "Ohhh please Jesus my dear Lord, let the sun out and shine otherwise this trip will be ugly because of all the dark pictures I will bring back home." and it does shine not more than 5 minutes afterward. Yup, He is that too good God! Even just a small and not-so-important prayer, He actually listened and approved it happen to be real!
But, if I put the picture in before and after order will someone ask: whats app you use?

Modern technology seem to have less respect and appreciation to the work of an artist these days.
Everything beautiful will count as edited with some apps or been made up. Ironic, yet its happening!
The caricature above, one made by Nico (an illustrator from Surabaya) and the other one made by apps. From my point of view still nothing beat handworks. But the ugly thing is, everytime I told them how much the price to make that drawing, they will just said: Too Expensive. Well, it does expensive, but if you compare with the result, and thinking that you cannot make that kind of drawing yourself, it so deserved the price!
So, let's appreciate more of the real moment, real things!
Smart-phone-user (including myself #selftalk) let's be wise and not "abuse" the use of Apps, it might be fun but somehow it can "kill" some real artist.
*lunch break* nomnomnom ^_^
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