Yehaaaa bloggers! How are you??
It's been 3 days away from home and I'm glad to say... meski jelek dan berantakan serta gak rapi-rapi amat, I still shout it out: Home sweet home yay!!!!! #grateful
Pernah gak sih merasa bahwa hidup selalu adaaaaaa ajah kisahnya?
I'm writing my 101st blog of my life story (well... not the very first several parts though, soalnya dulu maksud hati ini blog buat nyimpan artikel2 yang kutulis buat bulletin gereja, but since I'm retired from that, I turned this blog into my own "public diary" to memorize some of my life events) not all written here (secara, ada ajah kan malesnya *banyak malesnya keknya yah*)
Nahhhhhhhh, when my life seem going alright and I feel I stand on an even ground, there'll be the time my heart going "dag-dig-dug-der" wondering what come next. And the funny part is, things called trouble seem to have a very-good-social-life since they always love to come in group, I wonder how could they catch up with each other? Facebook? #eh
Went to Sarangan for my debut as an interpreter, I wore my favourite boot, white shirt and khaki shorts. That thursday afternoon was pretty hot and I wore that shirt only once (dan masih wangi) so I decided to wear that. Pikirku: "kan hari pertama aku gak bertugas, jadi casual ajah halal lahhhh" ... Mama ngeliat waktu pamitan said: "ya ampyun niexxxxxx kamu ini mau ke seminarnya pendeta-pendeta!!! Masak kumpul pendeta bajunya ngonooooo!!! " But that time I just ignore what my mom said and not-long the church's car picked me up so I just jumped on the car.
Giliranku untuk nerjemahin pas hari kedua session 3+4. So I spent the first night reading all the outline that just handed to me in like 20 something pages!!! They sent 2 pages of super brief outline over email weeks ago and now adding 20s over a night, sleepless in Sarangan!!
Tapi... yah... judulnya ajah "sleepless", remember I earned this "sleeping beauty" title by nature from my mom and from anybody who knew me well. I slept very sound after finishing the first 10pages only haha babi amat gua.
Good news, babi satu ini is a morning-pig #loh... my body clock automatically open my eyes at dawn so I can continue reading the left-over script. Not finished of course, secara itu 20 lembar tulisan semuaaaaaa dan Inggris semuaaaa what you expect.
But God is good, and He always be.
Session tiga berjalan lancaaaaarrrrr! All those nervous gone and amazingly my "lemot"-brain turned into a fast-thinker to respond what Corrie said and even I can explain it with some little joke and Indonesian / Javanese jargon!!!! I'm amazed with how Holy Spirit playing inside of me behind the scene.
Lah wong setelah itu ditanya orang artinya "hinder" apaan yah... mikirnya lamaaaaaaa gak bisa njelasin, padahal disepanjang session ada beberapa kali Corrie menyebut "hinder" hahaha.... so after that two session I'm back to normal.
It's just the power God let me to use the "quickie-brain" in order to interpret the powerful teaching to all those 90something pastorsssssss.
Ditengah2 itu ada kejadian rada2 distracting my focus.
Tiba-tiba ada satu feeling something flowing inside of me, ya! Kebelet pipis!
Tapi yang rasa-rasanya pipisnya udah keluar gituh. Nahhhhhh aku kan punya history ratu ngompol duluuuuu..... jadilah berasa curiga "masak gua ngompol gara2 grogi????"
Ketika break datang, langsung aku lari ke toilet sambil bawa tas. Walaaaaaaaaaa my dear monthly period coming without a drama!! no sign at all... nothing!
Pastinya jembret semuaaaaaaa, untung sih gua pake pantyliner that time, tapi tetep nembus keluar jeans, banyak soalnya, kira-kira ada separuh cangkir *oops
Celakanya, saya kembali ke kebiasaan "hanya bawa satu jeans" for 3days event oucht*** Jadi yang kepikir cuman... pake pembalut (untung tas-kantung ajaib doraemonku-selalu ada sedia pembalut) lalu ngeluarin baju untuk nutupin noda jembret yang nampak sebesar pulau kalimantan didepan percis pula posisinya!!
But the devil's effort to distract me gone by the time Corrie start the next session in prayer, and all the mysteriously divine power came back to take over myself and we had a good time till the end. Session four done!
Setelah selesai, nafas lega muncul soalnya tugasku kelar, tinggal tugas translating during the free time and keeping company of the Americans, kasarnya tinggal "Ngoncoi" ajah..... ehhhhhh the stomach cram came in the perfect time. In a sudden I got the drama I think I'll miss out this time. Lemes-lemes mules-mules kepala pusing, boyok berasa abis dilindes tronton, semua deh menyerbu.
In one second I was smiling ear to ear, another second I look like a zombie. Decided to skip the next session, apologized to everyone, drank Kiranti, lalu tidurrrrrrr. Bangun jam 5.30 sore, mandi air dingin dengan terpaksa karena air panasnya mendadak gak bisa keluar padahal paginya was fine.
Tapi itu air es sukses membuat mata melek sekejap dan semua badan mati rasa kedinginan, jadi sakit perutnya ilang diganti mati rasa.
Dannnnnn saya lupa kalo the only dear long jeans dicuci gara2 ke-stempel ama si period. Tapi gak lucu kan dateng ke acara pake celana pendek! (kualat gak dengerin nasehat mama nih, barudeh nyesel kenapa kemaren gak ganti celana lalu bawa celana panjang 2 instead #duhhh)
Akhirnya saya pake training tidur ku. Ditutup jaket, I look okay lahhhhhh #menghibur diri.
Everyone so worry about me including Corrie, but after I explain about it dan.... bagaimana berisiknya aku lagi... she knew in an instant that I'm fine now hahaha
The extended goodness of God is....
Tengengan yang udah nyarang beberapa saat di pundak sebelah kiri ini rada awet, tapi kemaren aku kebagian satu kamar dengan panitia yang adalah pekerja gereja dannnnnn tukang pijat!!!!!!!
Saya dipijat gratis seluruh badan, pijat refleksi dan pijat capek you name it, I got it all ! dannnn tengenganku pun sembuh ditangan mbak Ester ini.... Isn't God so wonderful? Kok ya sempat-sempatnya mikirin tengenganku yang belum sembuh benar, masih pake extra kasih bonus pijat di kamar. Aku ajah gak kepikiran dan saking groginya nyiapin interpreting I forgot all those pain, yet He just arranged it beautifully! #grateful beyond words!
The rest of the conference went good. Dan pulang ke rumah disambut laporan ulah karyawan yang begini begitu #halah. Tapi kali ini.... aku pilih makan kenyang, mandi air panas, keramas, minum teh anget soalnya perut slendep-slendep lagi rasanya, pasang AC dan kasih tau si embak kalo "aku mau tidur jangan diganggu".
Soalnya urusan kerjaan dan namanya masalah kayaknya gak ikutan KB deh, mereka punya keahlian beranak-pinak yang lebih bagus dari sistem ekosistem Harimau Sumatra pastinya! Jadi, diurusi seketika pun gak ada gunanya, kubiarkan dulu sambil nanti di doakan dan dipikirkan dengan kepala dingin solusinya, lah gimana mau mikir kalo kepala masih panas cenut2 efek si mbak Mens ini.
Sleep is the answer. Thank God I'm a sleeping beauty! Kata orang kalo ada masalah kan susah tidur, I'm too grateful for this talent. I'll sleep so sound even there's earthquake going on I guess.
Apaan lagi yah yang kelewat, well... tugas interpreting belum kelar, masih sisa 2 sesi lagi besok selasa. Tapi yaaaa... let's have some rest and enjoy this home sweet home!
And still never tired I'll say: oyeah God is a good God, not that He promise life will be just always fine, but He promises He will be with us through all things. And I'm glad to say that He who is promised is faithful ;)
It's been 3 days away from home and I'm glad to say... meski jelek dan berantakan serta gak rapi-rapi amat, I still shout it out: Home sweet home yay!!!!! #grateful
Pernah gak sih merasa bahwa hidup selalu adaaaaaa ajah kisahnya?
I'm writing my 101st blog of my life story (well... not the very first several parts though, soalnya dulu maksud hati ini blog buat nyimpan artikel2 yang kutulis buat bulletin gereja, but since I'm retired from that, I turned this blog into my own "public diary" to memorize some of my life events) not all written here (secara, ada ajah kan malesnya *banyak malesnya keknya yah*)
Nahhhhhhhh, when my life seem going alright and I feel I stand on an even ground, there'll be the time my heart going "dag-dig-dug-der" wondering what come next. And the funny part is, things called trouble seem to have a very-good-social-life since they always love to come in group, I wonder how could they catch up with each other? Facebook? #eh
Went to Sarangan for my debut as an interpreter, I wore my favourite boot, white shirt and khaki shorts. That thursday afternoon was pretty hot and I wore that shirt only once (dan masih wangi) so I decided to wear that. Pikirku: "kan hari pertama aku gak bertugas, jadi casual ajah halal lahhhh" ... Mama ngeliat waktu pamitan said: "ya ampyun niexxxxxx kamu ini mau ke seminarnya pendeta-pendeta!!! Masak kumpul pendeta bajunya ngonooooo!!! " But that time I just ignore what my mom said and not-long the church's car picked me up so I just jumped on the car.
Giliranku untuk nerjemahin pas hari kedua session 3+4. So I spent the first night reading all the outline that just handed to me in like 20 something pages!!! They sent 2 pages of super brief outline over email weeks ago and now adding 20s over a night, sleepless in Sarangan!!
Tapi... yah... judulnya ajah "sleepless", remember I earned this "sleeping beauty" title by nature from my mom and from anybody who knew me well. I slept very sound after finishing the first 10pages only haha babi amat gua.
Good news, babi satu ini is a morning-pig #loh... my body clock automatically open my eyes at dawn so I can continue reading the left-over script. Not finished of course, secara itu 20 lembar tulisan semuaaaaaa dan Inggris semuaaaa what you expect.
But God is good, and He always be.
Session tiga berjalan lancaaaaarrrrr! All those nervous gone and amazingly my "lemot"-brain turned into a fast-thinker to respond what Corrie said and even I can explain it with some little joke and Indonesian / Javanese jargon!!!! I'm amazed with how Holy Spirit playing inside of me behind the scene.
Lah wong setelah itu ditanya orang artinya "hinder" apaan yah... mikirnya lamaaaaaaa gak bisa njelasin, padahal disepanjang session ada beberapa kali Corrie menyebut "hinder" hahaha.... so after that two session I'm back to normal.
It's just the power God let me to use the "quickie-brain" in order to interpret the powerful teaching to all those 90something pastorsssssss.
Ditengah2 itu ada kejadian rada2 distracting my focus.
Tiba-tiba ada satu feeling something flowing inside of me, ya! Kebelet pipis!
Tapi yang rasa-rasanya pipisnya udah keluar gituh. Nahhhhhh aku kan punya history ratu ngompol duluuuuu..... jadilah berasa curiga "masak gua ngompol gara2 grogi????"
Ketika break datang, langsung aku lari ke toilet sambil bawa tas. Walaaaaaaaaaa my dear monthly period coming without a drama!! no sign at all... nothing!
Pastinya jembret semuaaaaaaa, untung sih gua pake pantyliner that time, tapi tetep nembus keluar jeans, banyak soalnya, kira-kira ada separuh cangkir *oops
Celakanya, saya kembali ke kebiasaan "hanya bawa satu jeans" for 3days event oucht*** Jadi yang kepikir cuman... pake pembalut (untung tas-kantung ajaib doraemonku-selalu ada sedia pembalut) lalu ngeluarin baju untuk nutupin noda jembret yang nampak sebesar pulau kalimantan didepan percis pula posisinya!!
But the devil's effort to distract me gone by the time Corrie start the next session in prayer, and all the mysteriously divine power came back to take over myself and we had a good time till the end. Session four done!
Setelah selesai, nafas lega muncul soalnya tugasku kelar, tinggal tugas translating during the free time and keeping company of the Americans, kasarnya tinggal "Ngoncoi" ajah..... ehhhhhh the stomach cram came in the perfect time. In a sudden I got the drama I think I'll miss out this time. Lemes-lemes mules-mules kepala pusing, boyok berasa abis dilindes tronton, semua deh menyerbu.
In one second I was smiling ear to ear, another second I look like a zombie. Decided to skip the next session, apologized to everyone, drank Kiranti, lalu tidurrrrrrr. Bangun jam 5.30 sore, mandi air dingin dengan terpaksa karena air panasnya mendadak gak bisa keluar padahal paginya was fine.
Tapi itu air es sukses membuat mata melek sekejap dan semua badan mati rasa kedinginan, jadi sakit perutnya ilang diganti mati rasa.
Dannnnnn saya lupa kalo the only dear long jeans dicuci gara2 ke-stempel ama si period. Tapi gak lucu kan dateng ke acara pake celana pendek! (kualat gak dengerin nasehat mama nih, barudeh nyesel kenapa kemaren gak ganti celana lalu bawa celana panjang 2 instead #duhhh)
Akhirnya saya pake training tidur ku. Ditutup jaket, I look okay lahhhhhh #menghibur diri.
Everyone so worry about me including Corrie, but after I explain about it dan.... bagaimana berisiknya aku lagi... she knew in an instant that I'm fine now hahaha
The extended goodness of God is....
Tengengan yang udah nyarang beberapa saat di pundak sebelah kiri ini rada awet, tapi kemaren aku kebagian satu kamar dengan panitia yang adalah pekerja gereja dannnnnn tukang pijat!!!!!!!
Saya dipijat gratis seluruh badan, pijat refleksi dan pijat capek you name it, I got it all ! dannnn tengenganku pun sembuh ditangan mbak Ester ini.... Isn't God so wonderful? Kok ya sempat-sempatnya mikirin tengenganku yang belum sembuh benar, masih pake extra kasih bonus pijat di kamar. Aku ajah gak kepikiran dan saking groginya nyiapin interpreting I forgot all those pain, yet He just arranged it beautifully! #grateful beyond words!
The rest of the conference went good. Dan pulang ke rumah disambut laporan ulah karyawan yang begini begitu #halah. Tapi kali ini.... aku pilih makan kenyang, mandi air panas, keramas, minum teh anget soalnya perut slendep-slendep lagi rasanya, pasang AC dan kasih tau si embak kalo "aku mau tidur jangan diganggu".
Soalnya urusan kerjaan dan namanya masalah kayaknya gak ikutan KB deh, mereka punya keahlian beranak-pinak yang lebih bagus dari sistem ekosistem Harimau Sumatra pastinya! Jadi, diurusi seketika pun gak ada gunanya, kubiarkan dulu sambil nanti di doakan dan dipikirkan dengan kepala dingin solusinya, lah gimana mau mikir kalo kepala masih panas cenut2 efek si mbak Mens ini.
Sleep is the answer. Thank God I'm a sleeping beauty! Kata orang kalo ada masalah kan susah tidur, I'm too grateful for this talent. I'll sleep so sound even there's earthquake going on I guess.
Apaan lagi yah yang kelewat, well... tugas interpreting belum kelar, masih sisa 2 sesi lagi besok selasa. Tapi yaaaa... let's have some rest and enjoy this home sweet home!
And still never tired I'll say: oyeah God is a good God, not that He promise life will be just always fine, but He promises He will be with us through all things. And I'm glad to say that He who is promised is faithful ;)
However, as it is written:
“What no eye has seen,
what no ear has heard,
and what no human mind has conceived”[a]—
the things God has prepared for those who love him— 1 Cor 2:9
what no ear has heard,
and what no human mind has conceived”[a]—
the things God has prepared for those who love him— 1 Cor 2:9
Si mbak ester (my room mate) took this picture of me n Corrie with her BB
(before Jembret Pulau Kalimantan occurs) Masih rapi kan diriku haha ^^
Look at the shirt! modal madul gak karuan buat nutupin si "stempel" Yet we're having fun!
(ini foto candid dari peserta yang aku minta )
Dr. Robert aka Bob (70) Corrie (66) Ps. Doddy (66) Bu Doddy (hmmm 50something)
Yet, they are SO Energetic! #admire
I run for the session I'm in charge, tapi tiba-tiba lihat pemandangan ini... meski udah mepet telat waktunya tetep, I stop take a picture continue to run while upload it to Instagram haha
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