Giving is the best communication.
This advertising really knocked my head and successfully made me drop my tears.
Sometime (or most of time) in life, we can see many opportunity to do this act of giving, but we chose to ignore it or ... instead of being graceful we use what so called "righteousness" and "justice" over grace and mercy. I did that too hufffffff... #confession.
But which "speak" more to the young soul ? The judgement of that lady or the merciful uncle?
Grace speaks louder.
Like last time I watched Les Miserables, there was a scene when a thief got caught yet the pastor whose the belonging been stolen showed this love in action, being so merciful even though that guy doesn't deserve it. But that one act of mercy changed one's life and he pass it on to many others.
Then last week Ps. Joel Abell told the story about how he became a Christian, by hearing one electrician who has been so faithfully devoted one day a week to tell the story about Jesus to the local school students voluntarily for years. And who knows that his years of "giving-time-to-tell-the-good-news" there's a Joel Abell out of those students, who in the future (currently) be a lead pastor of huge church Hillsong Australia? So surely his life will inspire plentiful.
God is always in control behind the scenes. He can use anyone, anything, even any tiny-giving-seed-sown and turn it into giant blessing to countless. Furthermore, you don't need to be a saint or a religious person to be kind. In fact, many kindness as simple as it is even under not-so-spiritual-situation still able touching hearts, affecting life. Sometimes we just 'overblown' our kindness into big charity event, a great amount of donation for some hunger kids in Africa or our total voluntary dedication for a social non-profit organization that always keen to help the community. But actually we don't need that. We just need one willing heart to love by giving, as simple as giving help, kindness, friendliness or just a smile.
We never know what will happen next, but giving is never wrong, it is love in action, it is the best communication indeed.
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