This year of 2013 is really the marvelous year for sharpening my consulting skills.
Bagaimana tidak? This year is the most of problems-stories-shared, well, I wrote some conversation here on my blog not that I want to be an "ember" yang memberitakan kejelekan orang, or to make myself look expert on this, nope, I just love to learn and share. So I wrote this to sincerely share the information in hope we can learn from other's stories with intention we will not doing it our own, energy saved.
Let's call this an R-Rated case. (R for relationship)
Well, human are relational creatures. We can't live alone (maybe only Tom Hanks who survived in that Cast Away movies, but even in that movie Hanks also communicate with his Wilson (betul gak namanya? forgot**) his imaginary-ball-friend).
Life is all about relationships! Relationship with God, family, spouse, friends, neighbours, kids, even pets. But the sad thing is, we never really spend much time to learn about it. Most of us think that as we grow older we will automatically able to manage it, yet it doesn't work that way. To be good at something, we just need to learn and gain knowledge about it.
This morning during my sunbathing session, my iTunes randomly played the old R-Rated sermon by Ps. Jeffrey Rachmat, dunno when this sermon slip into my iTunes, must be the auto sync system stole it from laptop without my concern haha technology rules!
In the sermon, he mentioned one sentence: in life we need to learn learn and learn, also in relationship, for husband: study your wife! vice versa
Then he explained with an example: if you want to cook, you need to learn how to cook. And by learning, not only you who will enjoying the benefit, but also the people you know, your family, your kids and grandkids one day. Because we cannot live beyond our knowledge.
I concur!!!!
Yup we cannot live beyond our knowledge. I was born as a very curious person (istilah gaulnya Kepo) hahaha.... "kepo" bisa kadang menyebalkan (not me loh yah, saya keponya masih cute kok :p hihihihi), but the other hand, this curiousity of mine somehow lead to my other benefit nature: i love to learn; learn yah not all those boring-text-book-study-only but learn by anything.
Well, I wasn't a real good student back in the school, I mean... I sat among the "trouble-makers" in the class, making noises, but 'luckily' I always favored by teachers haha.
Let's say Pak Matius and Pak Edo from Petra, they always nominate me to be the class representatives for Olympiad, though I never really like those things, but they offer pretty good deal, I got 100 on my next test automatically as a reward to join the olympiad, so hell yeah I closed the deal haha.
Once we were in Unair ato ITS yah... *lupa* ....for Olimpiade Teknik Kimia, we went there in a group and all of them from favourite class, I'm from the science-class-that-some-teachers-said-dont-deserve-to-be-science-class haha. All bringing their text book, I'm bringing mine: Detective Conan comic! xixixi.... , tapi ya salah sendiri kenapa saya ditunjuk haha. Then they put us into a group of two, kalo ga salah aku pasangan ama Lidya, she is the number one ranked in our class, smart, neat and good student type. Me? opposite, messy, loud, noisy and rebellious haha. In short, ada satu question yang nyangkut dikepala: Jika blablabla.... berapa tenaga kuda yang diperlukan?? *in my benefit, most of the questions are multiple questions, and I love "tebak-tebakan" haha*
So that time, I answered dua tenaga kuda, Lidya asked: how do you calculate it?
me: I don't know how big is 'tenaga kuda', but for the things this heavy, I guess two horses are enough! hahaha... Lidya laughed at my answer but since she also has no idea how to deal with it, we go with my answer hihhhihi... But then, our score is the same score with Eddy loh (if you read this Eddy Tjandra! yeahhh our score is the same with yours but I didn't bringing text book anywhere i just suddenly feel smarter bwahahahhaha) #edisisombongdikit
*eh kok jadi panjang* back to the topic.....
The point is, the teachers picked me not randomly or because I bribe them. They picked me because in general, I do learn too in their class. I mean, not as a good student that sit nicely and quiet from the start to end, but I love math and chemist *kalo pas hitung2annya doank, kalo pas teorinya rada2 malas* hihhi... I wasn't the good student but I was paying attention and learn day by day, jadi... yaaaa meski gak murid teladan, tapi gua kerja PR selalu jreng, gak nyontek soalnya kupikir kalo aku kerja sendiri nanti ulangan aku gak perlu belajar bisa inget, that's the way I learn, from little by little. Kalau digarap rombongan, belajar sampai larut malam semuaaaaaa dipelajari semalam sebelum test yaaaa gak cukup waktunya, dan grogi sedikit udah ilang semua itu pelajaran ... gone with the wind haha.
Life is a choice. You choose to learn or not-to-learn it all has the consequences attached. Imagine if I was a good student, always listen to everything teachers said, sit nicely in class, not that rebellious to my parents.... hmmm... I will get married and got 5 kids I suppose haha.
Yup, no one allowed me to go to Australia. But I chose to fight, because I want to learn English and "international Business" diploma sounds yummier to me than all those degrees. Silly? yeah, but diploma is much cheaper and I have in mind to build my own business, so why spending money in getting a degree? Just do the work. (tapi kalo ada yang nyuruh sekolah lagi dibayarin aku juga mau hihihihihi) But it does have concequences to rebell, no one help you to apply, no one take you to the airport (thank God my cousin pitty on me haha), no one visit you there, no one attending your graduation, no parents supports to solve any problems, I just need to solve it by myself *soalnya udah kepalang "congkak" mau berangkat dan bisa sendiri hahaha..... Yah... paling pol sih nangis sendirian di wc.
Well, that's my thinking and preference, not all people think the same, obviously even my parents don't have the same thinking.
But, I'm glad through it all, God is omnipresence! He always there, through good or bad ;) #grateful
Same with relationship, you choose who you want to spend your whole life with right?
Bukan yang yah, dicoba dulu nanti kalo gak pas ganti.... errrr kalo ada yang bilang begitu sini kutimpukin pake high-heels, gak tanggung jawab tuh orang bearti.
If you want to improve your life, upgrade yourself, be knowledgeable, think about it well, make a choice and be responsible!
Kalau istilah yg sering kudengar: Buka mata lebar-lebar sebelum kawin, kalo udah kawin tutup satu mata hehehe...
No one perfect, tapi at least kita bisa bertanggung jawab dengan pilihan kita.
"Tapi... aku dulu kawin karena pacarannya udah kelamaan, mau gak mau ya kawin.... masak mau diputus kan kasihan.... blablablala...." siapa yang lebih kasihan kalo nanti hidup pernikahannya gak hepi? dan pernikahan suppose to be life time, a forever term.
So, please people. Divorce isn't the only good solution of all marriage problem, though sometimes it looks like one and only. But please, let's learn our spouse, study her/him, understand why women always buy more shoes and men always love boobs. No one born knowledgeable, we all white paper that need to be written, need to gain knowledge, need to learn everything to be good on something. So please, be an adult, don't just sit there and hope that your wife will grow into a kind-hearted-always-understanding-queen, you need also to move your butt and grow yourself prepare to be the king that deserve such queen *vice versa*
*enough for now, and please for some moment jangan crita tentang divorce dulu yah... lagi capek dengernya, please temen laen ajah yang disuruh dengerin hihihi* #curcol
Bagaimana tidak? This year is the most of problems-stories-shared, well, I wrote some conversation here on my blog not that I want to be an "ember" yang memberitakan kejelekan orang, or to make myself look expert on this, nope, I just love to learn and share. So I wrote this to sincerely share the information in hope we can learn from other's stories with intention we will not doing it our own, energy saved.
Let's call this an R-Rated case. (R for relationship)
Well, human are relational creatures. We can't live alone (maybe only Tom Hanks who survived in that Cast Away movies, but even in that movie Hanks also communicate with his Wilson (betul gak namanya? forgot**) his imaginary-ball-friend).
Life is all about relationships! Relationship with God, family, spouse, friends, neighbours, kids, even pets. But the sad thing is, we never really spend much time to learn about it. Most of us think that as we grow older we will automatically able to manage it, yet it doesn't work that way. To be good at something, we just need to learn and gain knowledge about it.
This morning during my sunbathing session, my iTunes randomly played the old R-Rated sermon by Ps. Jeffrey Rachmat, dunno when this sermon slip into my iTunes, must be the auto sync system stole it from laptop without my concern haha technology rules!
In the sermon, he mentioned one sentence: in life we need to learn learn and learn, also in relationship, for husband: study your wife! vice versa
Then he explained with an example: if you want to cook, you need to learn how to cook. And by learning, not only you who will enjoying the benefit, but also the people you know, your family, your kids and grandkids one day. Because we cannot live beyond our knowledge.
I concur!!!!
Yup we cannot live beyond our knowledge. I was born as a very curious person (istilah gaulnya Kepo) hahaha.... "kepo" bisa kadang menyebalkan (not me loh yah, saya keponya masih cute kok :p hihihihi), but the other hand, this curiousity of mine somehow lead to my other benefit nature: i love to learn; learn yah not all those boring-text-book-study-only but learn by anything.
Well, I wasn't a real good student back in the school, I mean... I sat among the "trouble-makers" in the class, making noises, but 'luckily' I always favored by teachers haha.
Let's say Pak Matius and Pak Edo from Petra, they always nominate me to be the class representatives for Olympiad, though I never really like those things, but they offer pretty good deal, I got 100 on my next test automatically as a reward to join the olympiad, so hell yeah I closed the deal haha.
Once we were in Unair ato ITS yah... *lupa* ....for Olimpiade Teknik Kimia, we went there in a group and all of them from favourite class, I'm from the science-class-that-some-teachers-said-dont-deserve-to-be-science-class haha. All bringing their text book, I'm bringing mine: Detective Conan comic! xixixi.... , tapi ya salah sendiri kenapa saya ditunjuk haha. Then they put us into a group of two, kalo ga salah aku pasangan ama Lidya, she is the number one ranked in our class, smart, neat and good student type. Me? opposite, messy, loud, noisy and rebellious haha. In short, ada satu question yang nyangkut dikepala: Jika blablabla.... berapa tenaga kuda yang diperlukan?? *in my benefit, most of the questions are multiple questions, and I love "tebak-tebakan" haha*
So that time, I answered dua tenaga kuda, Lidya asked: how do you calculate it?
me: I don't know how big is 'tenaga kuda', but for the things this heavy, I guess two horses are enough! hahaha... Lidya laughed at my answer but since she also has no idea how to deal with it, we go with my answer hihhhihi... But then, our score is the same score with Eddy loh (if you read this Eddy Tjandra! yeahhh our score is the same with yours but I didn't bringing text book anywhere i just suddenly feel smarter bwahahahhaha) #edisisombongdikit
*eh kok jadi panjang* back to the topic.....
The point is, the teachers picked me not randomly or because I bribe them. They picked me because in general, I do learn too in their class. I mean, not as a good student that sit nicely and quiet from the start to end, but I love math and chemist *kalo pas hitung2annya doank, kalo pas teorinya rada2 malas* hihhi... I wasn't the good student but I was paying attention and learn day by day, jadi... yaaaa meski gak murid teladan, tapi gua kerja PR selalu jreng, gak nyontek soalnya kupikir kalo aku kerja sendiri nanti ulangan aku gak perlu belajar bisa inget, that's the way I learn, from little by little. Kalau digarap rombongan, belajar sampai larut malam semuaaaaaa dipelajari semalam sebelum test yaaaa gak cukup waktunya, dan grogi sedikit udah ilang semua itu pelajaran ... gone with the wind haha.
Life is a choice. You choose to learn or not-to-learn it all has the consequences attached. Imagine if I was a good student, always listen to everything teachers said, sit nicely in class, not that rebellious to my parents.... hmmm... I will get married and got 5 kids I suppose haha.
Yup, no one allowed me to go to Australia. But I chose to fight, because I want to learn English and "international Business" diploma sounds yummier to me than all those degrees. Silly? yeah, but diploma is much cheaper and I have in mind to build my own business, so why spending money in getting a degree? Just do the work. (tapi kalo ada yang nyuruh sekolah lagi dibayarin aku juga mau hihihihihi) But it does have concequences to rebell, no one help you to apply, no one take you to the airport (thank God my cousin pitty on me haha), no one visit you there, no one attending your graduation, no parents supports to solve any problems, I just need to solve it by myself *soalnya udah kepalang "congkak" mau berangkat dan bisa sendiri hahaha..... Yah... paling pol sih nangis sendirian di wc.
Well, that's my thinking and preference, not all people think the same, obviously even my parents don't have the same thinking.
But, I'm glad through it all, God is omnipresence! He always there, through good or bad ;) #grateful
Same with relationship, you choose who you want to spend your whole life with right?
Bukan yang yah, dicoba dulu nanti kalo gak pas ganti.... errrr kalo ada yang bilang begitu sini kutimpukin pake high-heels, gak tanggung jawab tuh orang bearti.
If you want to improve your life, upgrade yourself, be knowledgeable, think about it well, make a choice and be responsible!
Kalau istilah yg sering kudengar: Buka mata lebar-lebar sebelum kawin, kalo udah kawin tutup satu mata hehehe...
No one perfect, tapi at least kita bisa bertanggung jawab dengan pilihan kita.
"Tapi... aku dulu kawin karena pacarannya udah kelamaan, mau gak mau ya kawin.... masak mau diputus kan kasihan.... blablablala...." siapa yang lebih kasihan kalo nanti hidup pernikahannya gak hepi? dan pernikahan suppose to be life time, a forever term.
So, please people. Divorce isn't the only good solution of all marriage problem, though sometimes it looks like one and only. But please, let's learn our spouse, study her/him, understand why women always buy more shoes and men always love boobs. No one born knowledgeable, we all white paper that need to be written, need to gain knowledge, need to learn everything to be good on something. So please, be an adult, don't just sit there and hope that your wife will grow into a kind-hearted-always-understanding-queen, you need also to move your butt and grow yourself prepare to be the king that deserve such queen *vice versa*
*enough for now, and please for some moment jangan crita tentang divorce dulu yah... lagi capek dengernya, please temen laen ajah yang disuruh dengerin hihihi* #curcol
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