Looooong time no see (again)!
Hahaha.... mood mood an banget yah blog satu ini... well.. if you only know how crazy all those agendas n works... but yes... I'm surviving Thank God!
I just went back from Japan last couple of days, but I didn't update all the stories I had there... it was fun n adventuring!.... that's it???
nope, not only that actually... BUT....why don't I post it here?
I LIKE to share anything to anyone, but lately God just put this words in my head:
"Think about those who will read n get jealous to how lucky n how fun your life is niex!"
JLEEEEEBBBBB ...... iya yah... kayaknya ngeliat fotoku yg di FB / Instagram ajah udah cukup ngebikin some people iri iri.... so I listened to that voice and canceling all the writing of good things that happen to me during holiday....
and.... yesterday, when I reached ce Bibi through BBM, I texted her in the middle of my data-inputs n all those always-there-busyness :
m: ceceeeeee.... ini aniex lagi busy sih benere.. tapi kangennnnn so... let me just say this...kangennnnnnnnnn *hug*
B: hahahaha.... appreciate that.... *hug*
m: ih EGP lah busy ya selalu ada... ayo kita ngobrol ...disambi2 ajah hahaha.. so...how are you ce???
B: Been on a headache for a week dear..
m: okay... update me WHY?/
*** then ce Bibi telling the story about troubles that triggered the headache... and like always... saya juga saingan telling the stories of my struggles too haahhaa
B: lucky last week you didn't bbm me...
m: why?
B: last week kalo kau crita tentang Japan... kayaknya I will not have good respond for it...
** ya iyalah secara dia kesusahan dan aku crita abis holiday! Bingo! Ternyata ini toh maksudnya ..why that voice stop me to share all the good things happening....
out of soooo many friends... ce Bibi ini adalah the one that know ALL my bad things but yet still.... loving as always! (ya jelas tau semua soalnya we were roommates, jadi gua kalo tidur ngorok atau bedigasan kayak apa dia juga tau semuaaa hihihi)
Jadi kalau mau korek2 about me, she is the best source hahaha. Fortunately she's not ember, jadi kalo mau korek ya susah hihihi.
Okay back to the topic:
Good things are meant to be shared, but nowadays to share our bad things is more needed.
- Aniex sok philosopher -
Yup, karena orang sekarang (dari dulu sih benernya, tapi sekarang lebih lagi) lebih banyak yang menderita hanya karena "jealous" this word!
Gajah dipelupuk mata tak tampak dan kuman di sebrang lautan tampak. Bener banget kan pepatah ini! Yes... we tend to see the goods of others lalu dengan iri hati kita ngomel, menduga2 dll
here the example of jealous words I got:
-- ih... orang ini bragging about how God has blessed her, but actually she is just showing off !
** dikutip dari post timeline , no mention but she post that directly just after I posted about how good God has been during my time in Aussie.
Yeah.. kalo flashback kayaknya aku seringggggg banget crita tentang my old days in Aussie, why? because that was my very first time experience walking alone (really alone) with God in faith, so imagine how huge that experience was, too sticky to let go even from my short-memory-head!
But how we respond to it define who we really are! And I love ce Bibi respond! thats because She knew all my bad stories and good stories. People who got jealous usually are people who don't know / don't realize that everyone has bad dark sides.
I just read Ina's blog and... heyyy.. kok topiknya mirip hahahhaa.... lagi pas mau nulis about this kok dia udah nulls duluan hihihi... but well.. different version ...not plagiarism yah mak ** ^_^
Ina said about life is not fair, and yeah I said indeed. But if it's fair than it won't be this fun hahaha
the closest example in my head is: Jesus died for us the sinners thats already unfair right?
tuh, kan jadi kemana-mana.... back to topic lagi deh...
Rumput tetangga lebih hijau.
hmmm... People may think I'm flawless, but believe me... I'm not!
I'm emotionally up n down banget malah. I'm happy in a second, but then I can cry sesenggukan di wc sendirian just few minutes away. My fast natural reaction actually same as human in general, anger, jealousy, egoist, arrogant, proud etc name it! too many to list it here. :p.
But it's our decision to stay negative or to change it. Hard? yes! But not impossible with God. The struggles are everyday to fight, but thats the point of life! To shape our character to be more like our Creator. Yeah rumput tetangga lebih hijau, karena kita gak ikutan pas nyiraminnya, motong rumputnya (believe me I never like this activity) ...lalu... karena kita melihatnya dari kejauhan. Jadi lumpur yang deket, semut dan binatang2, all yang di deket2 gak bakal kelihatan lah.
Sedang rumput kita sendiri... hmmm to maintain it green, KITA yang kudu capek2 nyiramin, motongin dll... tapiii kita juga yang akan nginjekin itu rumput sambil memandang ke rumput orang laen. Padahal, aslinya ... we just didn't stand in the best-view-area of our own lawn!
Hotel kalo viewnya bagus pasti lebih mahal rate nya. Same with our character, to make ourselves seeing our own goodness we need to 'pay' more with effort of pushing down our fleshy natural and changing it with a grateful heart. By then we can have a best view of our selves, grateful heart will let us to stand in other's point of view.
The best combo for grateful heart is humble and gentle. Humility will let us less cocky and think about other's first before our own. Gentleness will drive us to smile a sincere happy smile when we hear about good things happening to others as it happens to our own.
Sering banget aku ngomong ke orang: Lebih susah loh jadi teman yang tertawa bersama, daripada yang susah bersama.
Some people don't get me in this term.... but because I experience it, that's why I can say it out loud. ... over several years, God let me to experience many of that "opportunity" to laugh sincerely with others. And I'm glad I chose to be as natural as I can be to be happy for them.
Took me two or three years to finally can sincerely happy about other's good news / good things.... and realizing: eh ternyata there's way more to be thankful than to jealous, and God's grace only that enabling me to transform jealousy envy nature to more loving and adorable. But don't expect perfection in doing this I'm still human hahaha.... so next time when you tell me about your happy news but then my reaction not as eager as I used to, just stop, mungkin pas itu lagi kumat si "iri-hati nya", so daripada you triggered something unpleasant, ayolah lebih menyadari kalo semua orang ini manusia yang bisa got jealous, angry etc.... Bukan malaikat nih! Bukan pula orang suci...
Kalau ada yang bilang aku taat beribadah... hmmmmm.... do u know, justru karena aku terlalu takut living my life my own way yang ora karu-karuan itu that's why I choose to push n force myself to God. Jadi sebenernya orang yang "taat' beribadah itu kemungkinan besar adalah orang yang terlalu buruk untuk hidup apa adanya, jadi perlu cahayanya Tuhan untuk bikin hidupnya terang hehe. Well...I don't know if this happen to all, at least that's what happen to me ..
Taat? Ask my parents even my pastor how rebellious I am, bahasa gaulnya: ngeyelan !! hahaha.... So... apaan sih pointnya? kenapa setiap aku nulis kayaknya kok muter2 gak jelas yah hahaha.... The point is... No body perfect! Next time we think someone is superbly great, still... don't expect much. Even pastor is flaw-able. And... deep down, it actually taste soooo good when someone knows all your flaws but still loving you just as the way you are! Love someone not because he/she nice, good, clever, blablabla.... love them "just because" full stop!
* no need to complete the because, "just because" is enough...no need reason, just love the person ;)
For me, kalo ada yg naksir diriku padahal tahu bagemana ceriwisnya diriku, demanding, emotionally jerk sometimes...semuaaaa yang buruk2 tapi still loving me... that's something huge!! Rasanya hepinya lebih lebih dan kita akan berusaha untuk transforming to be better.
Yup that happen to me when Jesus still loving me even I always sin against Him. #oops
oh kalo Tuhan pasti yah.... let me pick the human example... well... I only have one ex, so Steve will be next example... he is the youngest professor in Sydney uni, but yet he still appreciate me the non-degree and talk too much me... hahahhaa... and though things didn't work out because we had different vision n point of view in life, we still keep in touch in a good way... lost contacts for sometime, ya jelas lah diriku lusi bukan Dewadewi .... si dewi ajah bisa sakit hati masak lusi gak bisa #eh hihihihi.... ... but then we became normal friend now.... no hatred, no bad memory, just the good one! Adding one professor friend still sound too cool for "gadis desa" Caruban kan yah hohoho...
Yuk mari kita lebih menghijaukan rumput sendiri!
Jealousy won't do us any good, Love does!
Hahaha.... mood mood an banget yah blog satu ini... well.. if you only know how crazy all those agendas n works... but yes... I'm surviving Thank God!
I just went back from Japan last couple of days, but I didn't update all the stories I had there... it was fun n adventuring!.... that's it???
nope, not only that actually... BUT....why don't I post it here?
I LIKE to share anything to anyone, but lately God just put this words in my head:
"Think about those who will read n get jealous to how lucky n how fun your life is niex!"
JLEEEEEBBBBB ...... iya yah... kayaknya ngeliat fotoku yg di FB / Instagram ajah udah cukup ngebikin some people iri iri.... so I listened to that voice and canceling all the writing of good things that happen to me during holiday....
and.... yesterday, when I reached ce Bibi through BBM, I texted her in the middle of my data-inputs n all those always-there-busyness :
m: ceceeeeee.... ini aniex lagi busy sih benere.. tapi kangennnnn so... let me just say this...kangennnnnnnnnn *hug*
B: hahahaha.... appreciate that.... *hug*
m: ih EGP lah busy ya selalu ada... ayo kita ngobrol ...disambi2 ajah hahaha.. so...how are you ce???
B: Been on a headache for a week dear..
m: okay... update me WHY?/
*** then ce Bibi telling the story about troubles that triggered the headache... and like always... saya juga saingan telling the stories of my struggles too haahhaa
B: lucky last week you didn't bbm me...
m: why?
B: last week kalo kau crita tentang Japan... kayaknya I will not have good respond for it...
** ya iyalah secara dia kesusahan dan aku crita abis holiday! Bingo! Ternyata ini toh maksudnya ..why that voice stop me to share all the good things happening....
out of soooo many friends... ce Bibi ini adalah the one that know ALL my bad things but yet still.... loving as always! (ya jelas tau semua soalnya we were roommates, jadi gua kalo tidur ngorok atau bedigasan kayak apa dia juga tau semuaaa hihihi)
Jadi kalau mau korek2 about me, she is the best source hahaha. Fortunately she's not ember, jadi kalo mau korek ya susah hihihi.
Okay back to the topic:
Good things are meant to be shared, but nowadays to share our bad things is more needed.
- Aniex sok philosopher -
Yup, karena orang sekarang (dari dulu sih benernya, tapi sekarang lebih lagi) lebih banyak yang menderita hanya karena "jealous" this word!
Gajah dipelupuk mata tak tampak dan kuman di sebrang lautan tampak. Bener banget kan pepatah ini! Yes... we tend to see the goods of others lalu dengan iri hati kita ngomel, menduga2 dll
here the example of jealous words I got:
-- ih... orang ini bragging about how God has blessed her, but actually she is just showing off !
** dikutip dari post timeline , no mention but she post that directly just after I posted about how good God has been during my time in Aussie.
Yeah.. kalo flashback kayaknya aku seringggggg banget crita tentang my old days in Aussie, why? because that was my very first time experience walking alone (really alone) with God in faith, so imagine how huge that experience was, too sticky to let go even from my short-memory-head!
But how we respond to it define who we really are! And I love ce Bibi respond! thats because She knew all my bad stories and good stories. People who got jealous usually are people who don't know / don't realize that everyone has bad dark sides.
I just read Ina's blog and... heyyy.. kok topiknya mirip hahahhaa.... lagi pas mau nulis about this kok dia udah nulls duluan hihihi... but well.. different version ...not plagiarism yah mak ** ^_^
Ina said about life is not fair, and yeah I said indeed. But if it's fair than it won't be this fun hahaha
the closest example in my head is: Jesus died for us the sinners thats already unfair right?
tuh, kan jadi kemana-mana.... back to topic lagi deh...
Rumput tetangga lebih hijau.
hmmm... People may think I'm flawless, but believe me... I'm not!
I'm emotionally up n down banget malah. I'm happy in a second, but then I can cry sesenggukan di wc sendirian just few minutes away. My fast natural reaction actually same as human in general, anger, jealousy, egoist, arrogant, proud etc name it! too many to list it here. :p.
But it's our decision to stay negative or to change it. Hard? yes! But not impossible with God. The struggles are everyday to fight, but thats the point of life! To shape our character to be more like our Creator. Yeah rumput tetangga lebih hijau, karena kita gak ikutan pas nyiraminnya, motong rumputnya (believe me I never like this activity) ...lalu... karena kita melihatnya dari kejauhan. Jadi lumpur yang deket, semut dan binatang2, all yang di deket2 gak bakal kelihatan lah.
Sedang rumput kita sendiri... hmmm to maintain it green, KITA yang kudu capek2 nyiramin, motongin dll... tapiii kita juga yang akan nginjekin itu rumput sambil memandang ke rumput orang laen. Padahal, aslinya ... we just didn't stand in the best-view-area of our own lawn!
Hotel kalo viewnya bagus pasti lebih mahal rate nya. Same with our character, to make ourselves seeing our own goodness we need to 'pay' more with effort of pushing down our fleshy natural and changing it with a grateful heart. By then we can have a best view of our selves, grateful heart will let us to stand in other's point of view.
The best combo for grateful heart is humble and gentle. Humility will let us less cocky and think about other's first before our own. Gentleness will drive us to smile a sincere happy smile when we hear about good things happening to others as it happens to our own.
Sering banget aku ngomong ke orang: Lebih susah loh jadi teman yang tertawa bersama, daripada yang susah bersama.
Some people don't get me in this term.... but because I experience it, that's why I can say it out loud. ... over several years, God let me to experience many of that "opportunity" to laugh sincerely with others. And I'm glad I chose to be as natural as I can be to be happy for them.
Took me two or three years to finally can sincerely happy about other's good news / good things.... and realizing: eh ternyata there's way more to be thankful than to jealous, and God's grace only that enabling me to transform jealousy envy nature to more loving and adorable. But don't expect perfection in doing this I'm still human hahaha.... so next time when you tell me about your happy news but then my reaction not as eager as I used to, just stop, mungkin pas itu lagi kumat si "iri-hati nya", so daripada you triggered something unpleasant, ayolah lebih menyadari kalo semua orang ini manusia yang bisa got jealous, angry etc.... Bukan malaikat nih! Bukan pula orang suci...
Kalau ada yang bilang aku taat beribadah... hmmmmm.... do u know, justru karena aku terlalu takut living my life my own way yang ora karu-karuan itu that's why I choose to push n force myself to God. Jadi sebenernya orang yang "taat' beribadah itu kemungkinan besar adalah orang yang terlalu buruk untuk hidup apa adanya, jadi perlu cahayanya Tuhan untuk bikin hidupnya terang hehe. Well...I don't know if this happen to all, at least that's what happen to me ..
Taat? Ask my parents even my pastor how rebellious I am, bahasa gaulnya: ngeyelan !! hahaha.... So... apaan sih pointnya? kenapa setiap aku nulis kayaknya kok muter2 gak jelas yah hahaha.... The point is... No body perfect! Next time we think someone is superbly great, still... don't expect much. Even pastor is flaw-able. And... deep down, it actually taste soooo good when someone knows all your flaws but still loving you just as the way you are! Love someone not because he/she nice, good, clever, blablabla.... love them "just because" full stop!
* no need to complete the because, "just because" is enough...no need reason, just love the person ;)
For me, kalo ada yg naksir diriku padahal tahu bagemana ceriwisnya diriku, demanding, emotionally jerk sometimes...semuaaaa yang buruk2 tapi still loving me... that's something huge!! Rasanya hepinya lebih lebih dan kita akan berusaha untuk transforming to be better.
Yup that happen to me when Jesus still loving me even I always sin against Him. #oops
oh kalo Tuhan pasti yah.... let me pick the human example... well... I only have one ex, so Steve will be next example... he is the youngest professor in Sydney uni, but yet he still appreciate me the non-degree and talk too much me... hahahhaa... and though things didn't work out because we had different vision n point of view in life, we still keep in touch in a good way... lost contacts for sometime, ya jelas lah diriku lusi bukan Dewadewi .... si dewi ajah bisa sakit hati masak lusi gak bisa #eh hihihihi.... ... but then we became normal friend now.... no hatred, no bad memory, just the good one! Adding one professor friend still sound too cool for "gadis desa" Caruban kan yah hohoho...
Yuk mari kita lebih menghijaukan rumput sendiri!
Jealousy won't do us any good, Love does!
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