God is good so does all His plans n works :)

Once said; kenapa Tuhan kasih kamu cobaan padahal kau mau ke Jepang?
Heyyyyyy don't say like that about my God! Tuhan itu ga pernah kasih cobaan ! Semua rancanganNya itu baek! Cobaan diijinkanNya for some reason! And actually I'm the one that made it. Salahku sendiri naek sepeda pake acara sirkus bawa payung, kalo dipikir bodoh amit yah.., yg biasanya naek sepeda sambil bawa payung tuh monyetnya topeng monyet ituh sambil Ada narasi: si jojon pergi kepasar hahaga anytime I remember how silly I was I just laugh.... And it's not God's plan got it !
Tuhan itu rancanganNya selalu baek. Kalo kadang Dia mengijinkan sesuatu yg kurang baek terjadi .... That sesuatu pasti dirubah untuk bawa kebaikan buat kita. In my term sih... Always some good reason behind anything God allows
So never said God gives trials! No! We made our own actually .... He just allow some of it happen to teach us more and to give us opportunity to experience His unfailing love in any condition :)
Whatever the situation is, remember God is good ;)
