More than blessed!

This journey to Singapore has been soooo wonderfully done!
I got all the information needed, did all the things that suppose to do, and even eat any beautiful foods
I'm no one ... Just a little small town girl trying to plan a "crazy" outing for others rural kidos ... I don't know about Singapore much but then ... God sent all those amazing people to help me achieve anything I should there! This journey finished fruitfully Thank God!
I've been hard to myself sometimes, went to Singapore through Jogja due to cheap flights hahaha
Ride a midnight bus, arrived then fly to Singapore wearing a very casual clothes (well I need to dress very casual when I use public transport here in INDONESIA , that has been my own rule haha)
But then u arrived, picked up by a pastor n a brother smiling big smile welcoming you and took all your luggage in his hands, leading us to a white BMW ..... Jeng jenggggg I felt sooooooo salah kostum!!!
Brother Melvin look so cool (cocok dah ama mobilnye) pastor peck yin dress so modestly like she used to.... But me..... Bau pasti! (Sejak jam 10 malem nyegatin bis didepan Rumah then naek bus musti turun solo n ndomblong sejenak bareng kernet2 nungguin bus jogja) well what u expect.... Tissue basah beraksi tapi tetepppp bauuu n kucel hahaha
All day long bro Melvin drive us here n there he just away for several minutes to shower n then picked us again heading for dinner + esplanade
The next day everyone busy with church n activities I decide to join Indonesian congregation at orchard then nyariin titipan topi papa... Dapet topinya beli milk tea duduk2 bentar recharge my energy n went back to pastor house n spent the rest of the day talking n sharing .... Learn a lot from her
The next day Cindy driving us here n there to achieve everything dan bahkan beli in oleh2 for my family ... Sent me to Angie's house yang jauhhhhh Dari rumahnya
The last day bro Melvin picked me at Angie's place n sent me to airport plussss giving me gift!
I'm more than blessed! Sungkan setengah amit sampe ga berani bilang apa2 soalnya begitu I mention pengin A langsung dicariin + dibeliin olalaaaaaa
I shut my mouth n praying that God will surely pay them back abundantly!
It's make sense if I'm such an important person.... Buttt I'm NOT!
I'm no one but they treat me like a princess! They all are above my "class" "strata" what so ever .... But they humbly saying that we all brothers n sisters in Christ and treat plus help each other is our "things to do"
WOW... In a modern n hi end world but hearing those words are amazing!
Let's treat EVERYONE without looking at the economic status, the "class", the advantage u can get.... But let's sincerely helping each other the best maximum way we can
Thank my Super Awesome Jesus! For all the kindness, the loves, the fellowship, the open-doors ! By God's grace.... Generation of Stars is going to rock Singapore next year!
