Yesterday has been an exhausting day! Starting the morning with "telepon omelan papa" (papa nelpon ngomelin plus marah2 lalu tutup telepon) siang nya juga begitu .... Trus malem nya dapet omelan pula gara2 lupa bawa pulang mangga jadi nya mangga2 itu kematengan di tokoku.... Ampir2 busuk deh..... Well.... I'm used to all those omelan since both my patents are so natural in doing it *oucht* but ... It's my choice to be cheerful in every situation instead of being "pemarah" versi junior nya hehehe..... Gak gampang believe me! Tapi ... Tuhan terlalu baek .... HE is the One that turn ANY situation to be great....
Tinggal di lingkungan tertentu bahkan mewarisi darah "cepat naik pitam" actually ketauan banget harusnya aku seperti apa yah? But that's the mystery! Out of any omelan I do LOVE my parents , my family ... Yup they aren't perfect (bahkan menyebalkan sometimes) ... Never too in the mouth you will get my parents said: ahhhhhh Anak pintar .... Kalimat "guoblokkkk" lebih sering terdengar haha
Tapi Anak lemot nan "gak nyambung an" ini one day making a decision to "rebell" and fight all those words I've been listening ....
The occasion of hearing a sermon by Ps. Jeffrey Rachmat back long time ago just confirmed me to list myself as God's daughter so.... I should learn n do n inherit how God's character is right?
I do believe my families are best for me.. They are God chosen!
Dan lagi selain pemarah alami .... Mereka sebenernya an awesome team!
My dad is superrrrr teliti dan Chinese-calculator .... Pokoknya kalo urusan hemattt dan be aware dan ahhh pokoknya yang detective senses he got those! Learn a lot from him (since I'm a serampangan version one)
My mom? Wowwwwww words can't be enough to describe her! She is a super mom! Kalo kalian Ada alkitab coba baca amsal 31 deh! Pasal itu bener2 gambaran perfect for my mom!
.... So actually all people in our life sebagaimanapun sifat atau sikapnya PASTI Ada yang baeknya deh .... Lets love from the good side instead of the other side. Not easy I concur ! But not impossible ;)
Dan lagi find some friends that ... Just like you are! Bisa jadi tempat sampah tanpa sakit hati... Bisa ngomelin balik bisa diajak diskusi dan bisa jadi prayer partner .... And I'm SUPER grateful to have bunch of friends to do so.... Jadi meski terpencil di desa antah berantah ini ... The power of Skype, bbm, ym, FB, G+ ... Etc... You name it... Semua bisa bikin dunia lebih dekat kok! Tinggal... Isi Pulsa dan bayar tagihannya ajah haha
Lalu sekali2 I'll fly here n there to meet n melepas rindu *ciehh* transportation juga ga kurang kan ... "Now everyone can fly" malah hihihi
So..... Lets have positive eyes! And accept anything we can't change... Courage to do everything I can... Apaan lagi yah *lupa* ... I'll attach the words I got from a gift that Melvin gave me last time .... *blessed*
Be grateful in any condition! Yukkkkk
Tinggal di lingkungan tertentu bahkan mewarisi darah "cepat naik pitam" actually ketauan banget harusnya aku seperti apa yah? But that's the mystery! Out of any omelan I do LOVE my parents , my family ... Yup they aren't perfect (bahkan menyebalkan sometimes) ... Never too in the mouth you will get my parents said: ahhhhhh Anak pintar .... Kalimat "guoblokkkk" lebih sering terdengar haha
Tapi Anak lemot nan "gak nyambung an" ini one day making a decision to "rebell" and fight all those words I've been listening ....
The occasion of hearing a sermon by Ps. Jeffrey Rachmat back long time ago just confirmed me to list myself as God's daughter so.... I should learn n do n inherit how God's character is right?
I do believe my families are best for me.. They are God chosen!
Dan lagi selain pemarah alami .... Mereka sebenernya an awesome team!
My dad is superrrrr teliti dan Chinese-calculator .... Pokoknya kalo urusan hemattt dan be aware dan ahhh pokoknya yang detective senses he got those! Learn a lot from him (since I'm a serampangan version one)
My mom? Wowwwwww words can't be enough to describe her! She is a super mom! Kalo kalian Ada alkitab coba baca amsal 31 deh! Pasal itu bener2 gambaran perfect for my mom!
.... So actually all people in our life sebagaimanapun sifat atau sikapnya PASTI Ada yang baeknya deh .... Lets love from the good side instead of the other side. Not easy I concur ! But not impossible ;)
Dan lagi find some friends that ... Just like you are! Bisa jadi tempat sampah tanpa sakit hati... Bisa ngomelin balik bisa diajak diskusi dan bisa jadi prayer partner .... And I'm SUPER grateful to have bunch of friends to do so.... Jadi meski terpencil di desa antah berantah ini ... The power of Skype, bbm, ym, FB, G+ ... Etc... You name it... Semua bisa bikin dunia lebih dekat kok! Tinggal... Isi Pulsa dan bayar tagihannya ajah haha
Lalu sekali2 I'll fly here n there to meet n melepas rindu *ciehh* transportation juga ga kurang kan ... "Now everyone can fly" malah hihihi
So..... Lets have positive eyes! And accept anything we can't change... Courage to do everything I can... Apaan lagi yah *lupa* ... I'll attach the words I got from a gift that Melvin gave me last time .... *blessed*
Be grateful in any condition! Yukkkkk
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