
Being misunderstood...
Hmmm... Recently no no banyak kali diriku disalahpahami orang... Yah... Being different isn't easy, but how if u born really different by nature?
People tend to generalize everything yeah that's very true, jadi kalo ada yg ga "sama" kita pastinyah dibilang aneh. Bahkan tak terkecuali our own family malah justru yg ga bisa paham dengan "keunikan" kita.
Before, I always have those low self esteem regarding this. Iyalah... Masak bisa loe tumbuh jadi anak yg PD kalo your own mom always disagree with u and always saying "kowe iki ancen aneh!" Hahaha...
Tapiiiiii.... Oh yeah... The "meeting" with Ps. Jeffrey Rachmat yang ngomong: you're born original don't die a copy! Really wake me up to boldly continue to be my own self! Yeah gua lebay! Yeah gua ceriwis! Yeah I always care for little things yg kadang bakal di cap "gak guna" hehehe... But... I believe I'm a good person and this is just a uniquely me...
Sedih sih pastinya kalo kadang we want to be understood tapi malah di misunderstood melulu kan... Ehhhhh (like always) tiba2 ada an email saying: Did your family believe in you? Or did they believe in the person they wanted you to be? Did they even notice your heart at all? Have they been thrilled in your choices, or has their disappointment made it clear that you just aren't what you're supposed to be? At another point in his ministry, Jesus' family shows up to collect him. "Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to see you" (Luke 8:19). They think he's lost it, and they've come to bring him home, poor man. Misunderstanding is damaging, more insidious because we don't identify it as an attack on the heart. How subtly it comes, sowing doubt and discouragement where there should have been validation and support. There must be something wrong with us.

Oalahhhhhh ternyataaaaa ini toh maksudnyaaaa...
Selama ini kalo tingkah "aneh"ku di misunderstood yaaaa normal lah... Jesus ajah di-misunderstood juga with His own brothers apalagi gue yg secara bukan siapa2 hehehe
Quite a relieved to read that email... Kayak berasa an express answer from your question gituh...
Dannnn.... Toh I did mistakes juga unintentionally... God knows our hearts khan... Kalo maksudnya baik... Somehow people sooner or later will understand .... Like mother Teresha said: people are irrational but love them anyway!
Let's keep ourselves to be different no matter what it takes! Not easy but we born original don't die a copy ;) there's none in universe can substitute u!


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