Kindness .... Hmmm this morning I got a weird advise from my mom : Jangan terlalu baek ama orang, banyak orang jahat sekarang ga laki ga perempuan ....
Well it's normal if nowadays people will automatically think like my mom does. Because the world itself shows that though kindness is an important virtue with high demand yet often in short supply ! *hukum ekonomi banget gua hahaha* let's cut the crap!
Impatience, selfishness, ego these are certainly in vogue. But kindness, compassion? We’re often too self-absorbed to really put the needs of others ahead of our own (including me) yeah... we're human we want the best for ourselves ! we want to be succeed, the earliest to marry, the first to be ranked at school / work, the number one from any list u can mention. And that's normal, that's in the blood.
But, then... one person broke the protocol! His name is Jesus Christ!
Jesus came to the world without any supreme privilege as He deserve. He doesn't even have the hospital facility like what we got now. I sometime randomly think: why Jesus choose to come 2000 years back then when everything isn't as good as today? Silly question, but it's just popped out of my mind haha...
And Jesus came to redeem us! Apa bagusnya kita yah? But He still came!
Killers, Liars, Junkies, Haters, Sinners, Prostitutes, you name it...He came for all of us. Kalau yang di tebus itu orang suci dan lurus, mungkin kita akan lebih maklum. Tapi eh... yang ditebus dari segala dosa dan dari maut itu kita! Ya! Yang kayaknya "wasting" amit to save one that doesn't deserve huh?
That's how big God's love is! Dia berbuat baik gak cuma ke orang baek tapi juga ke orang yang kurang baek dan tidak baek. Yesus yang sama yang bahkan nginap di rumah seorang pemungut cukai, yang I believe not so many people like them (I imagine tukang2 pajak jaman sekarang hahaa). Yesus yang sama yang ngobrol dengan perempuan yang tukang kawin bolak-balik. Ahhhh.. pokoknya yang dipandang orang "kurang" justru itulah yang Yesus akan jangkau.
Dan juga, Yesus menjangkau mereka bukan dengan hal besar. He reach out through little sincere kindness that touched! Coba ajah baca kisah2 Tuhan Yesus, you'll get what I mean ;)
Little kindness that has huge meaning!
+Fely Funakoshi earlier told me about Febry yang duluuuuu pernah kasih dia dompet pas ulang tahun, meskipun that time they were not close. Dan kejadian kecil itu nyangkut di otaknya sampe 1decade lebih.
And I still gratefully remember how Yoni Rotty's kindness to "friended" me while I was all alone in the middle of Treasure Women Conference. Because of her, I decided to talk more to "alone" people or to strangers, things I won't do earlier because I knew it's dangerous and even my parents don't agree with.
A little kindness sometimes mean bigger to the one that receive it. Another example that lately I remember is... I still remember Irnov is a good guy JUST because he used to smile to me. Padahal, mungkin si Irnovnya sendiri kagak nyadar kali yah haha. Tapi, that time he was...the brightest student, handsome, tajir, nice, ketua osis, pinter badminton whatsoever u name it. Yet, he smiled to the anonymous me yang ...hmmm.. average, not pretty enough, chubby2 fatty, dan nempeeeelll terus ama si Jessica hahaha. Dulu bahkan kalo ada cowok deketin, biasanya karena mereka naksir ama Jess, jadi the shortcut was me hihihihi....
Mungkin sedikit lebay yah... tapi itulah yang ada di otak recently. Eh iya, I don;t know this person, but after all that time I always categorizing him as a good guy just because he used to smile at me a randomly unknown schoolmates. Padahal bisa aja dan sang at mudah for him not to do that or just ignore-ly walk. Nah.... since that time too, I decided to smile more loh! hahahaha... silly reason yah?? but that's the fact :)
Karena setelah itu, gak lama aku pindah ke China, the land that I can't speak the language, dan perginya dipaksa pula. Sedih pastinya, tapi .... I decided to smile more to anyone!! Amazingly.... all the neighborhood love me! Abis dibuang jauh2 itulah aku bisa merasakan dan lebih appreciating anything!
Si awix lebih lucu lagi, pas aku di china dia kirimin tuh kartu natal diattach-in fotonya dia ...hahaha... Padahal awix ini selalu merasa I'm old fashioned, lemot and anything (kita kenal gara2 juga dia dulu pacaran ama si Jacqui-anak kostku- lalu naksir Jess juga, jadilah saya "shortcut" nyah hahaha)
Dan... hal hal yang unexpected itu... come from... Irnov yang aku gak kenal dan way out of reach. plus awix, yang aku jelas-jelas tau dulu kita deket hanya gara2 dia mau deketin jacqui or jess! People who i wasn't expected to be nice, but yet they are, and that feel GREAT! Rasanya seneng banget asli!
Turun gunung dari China (if some of u might notice) I changed... a lot!
John yang pertama mentioned that, eh niex kamu berubah loh....
Yup, dulu di sma kelas 1.. kayaknya I'm not as loud as now....
Dulu, I won't talk to strangers too, now... i am hahaha
Kenapa? Because I feel that it's nice to receive such kindness, so why don't me do the same to others?
Dan sedikit banyak.... that many little kindness yang keliatannya sepele, I believe sedikit banyak turut mempengaruhi aniex yang sekarang, the cheery jumpy me. Yeah smile might not as kinclong as irnov's smile, but I'm pretty sure i give my best cutest smile that unforgettable to anyone dehhhh (kalo kadang masih dapet yang versi judes-me... ya maap..itu pas the old-self intip2 muncul lagi...hahaha...but... i'll try not too often to use that judes-face again hahahha)
Let's follow Jesus.... use kindness to break through any protocol .... love compassionately to each other.... don't need big fabulous things to do that... just a little kindness and smile more!
Let's challenge ourselves to welcome the miraculous 2013 with lots of smiles!
Merry Christmas!
*forgive my many mixed languages in one blog hahaha... but my brain is too mixed jadi suka2 ajah keluarnya yang mana hehehe*
Well it's normal if nowadays people will automatically think like my mom does. Because the world itself shows that though kindness is an important virtue with high demand yet often in short supply ! *hukum ekonomi banget gua hahaha* let's cut the crap!
Impatience, selfishness, ego these are certainly in vogue. But kindness, compassion? We’re often too self-absorbed to really put the needs of others ahead of our own (including me) yeah... we're human we want the best for ourselves ! we want to be succeed, the earliest to marry, the first to be ranked at school / work, the number one from any list u can mention. And that's normal, that's in the blood.
But, then... one person broke the protocol! His name is Jesus Christ!
Jesus came to the world without any supreme privilege as He deserve. He doesn't even have the hospital facility like what we got now. I sometime randomly think: why Jesus choose to come 2000 years back then when everything isn't as good as today? Silly question, but it's just popped out of my mind haha...
And Jesus came to redeem us! Apa bagusnya kita yah? But He still came!
Killers, Liars, Junkies, Haters, Sinners, Prostitutes, you name it...He came for all of us. Kalau yang di tebus itu orang suci dan lurus, mungkin kita akan lebih maklum. Tapi eh... yang ditebus dari segala dosa dan dari maut itu kita! Ya! Yang kayaknya "wasting" amit to save one that doesn't deserve huh?
That's how big God's love is! Dia berbuat baik gak cuma ke orang baek tapi juga ke orang yang kurang baek dan tidak baek. Yesus yang sama yang bahkan nginap di rumah seorang pemungut cukai, yang I believe not so many people like them (I imagine tukang2 pajak jaman sekarang hahaa). Yesus yang sama yang ngobrol dengan perempuan yang tukang kawin bolak-balik. Ahhhh.. pokoknya yang dipandang orang "kurang" justru itulah yang Yesus akan jangkau.
Dan juga, Yesus menjangkau mereka bukan dengan hal besar. He reach out through little sincere kindness that touched! Coba ajah baca kisah2 Tuhan Yesus, you'll get what I mean ;)
Little kindness that has huge meaning!
+Fely Funakoshi earlier told me about Febry yang duluuuuu pernah kasih dia dompet pas ulang tahun, meskipun that time they were not close. Dan kejadian kecil itu nyangkut di otaknya sampe 1decade lebih.
And I still gratefully remember how Yoni Rotty's kindness to "friended" me while I was all alone in the middle of Treasure Women Conference. Because of her, I decided to talk more to "alone" people or to strangers, things I won't do earlier because I knew it's dangerous and even my parents don't agree with.
A little kindness sometimes mean bigger to the one that receive it. Another example that lately I remember is... I still remember Irnov is a good guy JUST because he used to smile to me. Padahal, mungkin si Irnovnya sendiri kagak nyadar kali yah haha. Tapi, that time he was...the brightest student, handsome, tajir, nice, ketua osis, pinter badminton whatsoever u name it. Yet, he smiled to the anonymous me yang ...hmmm.. average, not pretty enough, chubby2 fatty, dan nempeeeelll terus ama si Jessica hahaha. Dulu bahkan kalo ada cowok deketin, biasanya karena mereka naksir ama Jess, jadi the shortcut was me hihihihi....
Mungkin sedikit lebay yah... tapi itulah yang ada di otak recently. Eh iya, I don;t know this person, but after all that time I always categorizing him as a good guy just because he used to smile at me a randomly unknown schoolmates. Padahal bisa aja dan sang at mudah for him not to do that or just ignore-ly walk. Nah.... since that time too, I decided to smile more loh! hahahaha... silly reason yah?? but that's the fact :)
Karena setelah itu, gak lama aku pindah ke China, the land that I can't speak the language, dan perginya dipaksa pula. Sedih pastinya, tapi .... I decided to smile more to anyone!! Amazingly.... all the neighborhood love me! Abis dibuang jauh2 itulah aku bisa merasakan dan lebih appreciating anything!
Si awix lebih lucu lagi, pas aku di china dia kirimin tuh kartu natal diattach-in fotonya dia ...hahaha... Padahal awix ini selalu merasa I'm old fashioned, lemot and anything (kita kenal gara2 juga dia dulu pacaran ama si Jacqui-anak kostku- lalu naksir Jess juga, jadilah saya "shortcut" nyah hahaha)
Dan... hal hal yang unexpected itu... come from... Irnov yang aku gak kenal dan way out of reach. plus awix, yang aku jelas-jelas tau dulu kita deket hanya gara2 dia mau deketin jacqui or jess! People who i wasn't expected to be nice, but yet they are, and that feel GREAT! Rasanya seneng banget asli!
Turun gunung dari China (if some of u might notice) I changed... a lot!
John yang pertama mentioned that, eh niex kamu berubah loh....
Yup, dulu di sma kelas 1.. kayaknya I'm not as loud as now....
Dulu, I won't talk to strangers too, now... i am hahaha
Kenapa? Because I feel that it's nice to receive such kindness, so why don't me do the same to others?
Dan sedikit banyak.... that many little kindness yang keliatannya sepele, I believe sedikit banyak turut mempengaruhi aniex yang sekarang, the cheery jumpy me. Yeah smile might not as kinclong as irnov's smile, but I'm pretty sure i give my best cutest smile that unforgettable to anyone dehhhh (kalo kadang masih dapet yang versi judes-me... ya maap..itu pas the old-self intip2 muncul lagi...hahaha...but... i'll try not too often to use that judes-face again hahahha)
Let's follow Jesus.... use kindness to break through any protocol .... love compassionately to each other.... don't need big fabulous things to do that... just a little kindness and smile more!
Let's challenge ourselves to welcome the miraculous 2013 with lots of smiles!
Merry Christmas!
*forgive my many mixed languages in one blog hahaha... but my brain is too mixed jadi suka2 ajah keluarnya yang mana hehehe*
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